Monday, May 22, 2006

it looks like i'm heading out to idaho for a month in a few weeks. I'm pretty excited, it'll be work on a geologic map in the salmon river area. It'll be great, at least three weeks away from cars, traffic, and civilization. Apparently it's pretty remote, we might have to raft in, or hike in on an abandoned road. I can't wait to take shits and then cover them up with medium sized rocks, and get scared of bears and stuff. Anyway, from the look of things, I won't touch a bike from about mid-June through August 9th, so I don't know if collegiate nats is going to happen this year. maybe, we'll see. i do want to see ben win a national title, and see slutes'n'boots act, well, like slutes'n'boots.

I was thinking for our gopher track invitational we should maybe run an open uscf points race too. we could do it the full nationals distance, 120 laps, and if we get the other cat. 1,2s and maybe 3s it could be a decent simulation of the racing and distance we'd have to do at nats. just a thought, since a bunch of local people wanted to do longer races anyway, and nobody will realistically show up for the invitational from other schools without prize money or help with travel costs. i don't know. i guess it wouldn't be an invitational anymore though.

ok, opus tomorrow, track thursday, sit around in between. looks like another busy week. whew! i'd better go take a nap while i still have the time.



Blogger screechworld said...

Ed, its your cycling team do what you want with it.

6:59 AM  

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