Monday, May 08, 2006

i'm excited to race opus tomorrow night. i felt good today. it's fun racing with the cat 4s instead of the Collegiate As because it's possible to actually win. in the last two opus races i did i kept waiting for someone to attack or pick the pace up, but everyone just sits - that's my kind of race.

had a near miss with the ticket cop today. i drove my newly fixed car to campus to drop off a couple papers and an assignment. i parked it at a meter and put 45 minutes worth of quarters in. i was just a little late getting back, by like 3 minutes, when i noticed the traffic cop's SUV was parked behind mine. i was like, "ahh, come on!" but when i got to my car there wasn't a ticket there, instead the cop was across the street writing one out for the car across the street from me. the meter had expired by the time i got there, but the cop must have arrived just before it expired, then decided to wait it out by checking the cars on the other side of the road, but I arrived just in time. HA! even so i booked it out of there, in the rain, with windshield wipers that no longer work.

List of things currently wrong with my car:
1. Windshield wipers don't move
2. Rear light out
3. Smashed rear driver's side door
4. Wheelwell scrapes the tire of smashed door discussed above when there's more than two people in the car or when I go over a big bump
5. Broken exterior door handle on front passenger side door
6. Passenger side window falls down and must be duct taped up
7. Chain grease all over the back seat
8. Emergency brake doesn't do anything anymore
9. Emergency brake light is always lit up
10. Hood pop up lever doesn't work how it should
11. Oil leaks after I drive the car
12. Garbage and cloths in the trunk


Blogger Michael Sobol said...

which ultimately means... DATE CAR!!

2:32 AM  
Blogger screechworld said...

ya, when are you going to take me to broke back?

2:09 PM  

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