Sunday, April 23, 2006

Back from Nebraska. what a weekend. actually it was pretty rutine, except for the camping. I think the racing was good, everyone was fast pretty much, so we didn't have to worry about people gapping others off. Field sprints in both again. It was sweet seeing ben win the road race. i got an 11th and 10th place, so i guess that's ok. It was cool having skreech work for me at the end of the circuit race, except it blew apart before we could do our thing, oh well. I'm going to make some tortillas out of the mix i bought in nebraska in a few minutes, its going to be great.
Things skreech and mikey missed out on in van ride:
1. Scott Roberts and Brain ripped on my grading scheme for my labs for probably close to an hour. I invited them to the rip-on-ed-all-night party there's talk of having.
2. Scott Roberts told stories about having Ben Richter for a TA, he said whenever they went to him during office hours for questions he just give them vague hints and sent them on their way. When we asked ben if he graded hard, he just said "I grade Fair." we figured nick is an easy grader, like me. it was funny. then we hypothesized who would win between Ben Richter and Nick in a battle of wills, you know, who would get their way first. the consensus was ben. All this comedy is really a TA thing, most of you wouldn't get it. Brain does, cause he was helping me grade my papers (the TA has a TA).

Also i want to know if it was the Iowa state guy who was ripping on me during the race, saying don't order people around when your about to get dropped or something. I don't know if it was him, but i do know i kicked his ass in both races this weekend... yeah, that's not like me. i just really wanted to catch those three guys and i suck at closing gaps, for the record i gave a half hearted attempt to pick up the pace, and did succeed in getting nebraska to do the work i was supposed to do for a while.



Blogger screechworld said...

Ya, sorry ed, i guess i was wrong. what would you have gotten if you would have pulled them in though? You would have blew all your cookies

12:59 PM  
Blogger where's my ed? said...

yeah, that's true none of us would have had anything left if we took up the chase.

1:45 PM  

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