Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hi ho, hi ho. I'm in colorado springs getting stoked for masters nats tomorrow. the old man is doing his 200m and kilo tomorrow. skibby and tainter are here i hear, but i haven't seen them yet. my field geology class was the best class i have ever taken. we hiked around and mapped above 12,000 feet during the day and fooled around at camp at night. super fun. one night we built an enourmous fire taller than 10 feet and then guys started jumping through it. good times anyway. i like it how when you're in the woods little things like huge fires are super fun, while in the city it seems like you need to spend lots of money or do something really stupid to have really memorable moments... i think i fell in love with the forest this summer, and i don't know what that means.
anyway last night we finished our mapping exam and then the teach and the TA started making everyone margaritas and gin and tonics. it was a fun night. oh, and it rained pretty much every afternoon and in the last week I think it hailed something like three times. that wasn't so cool.

so that's what i've been up to, but i hear skreech has moved to milwakee. skreech if you read this i miss you already. seriously, you're already missed. you'd better show up to visit often. On Sunday after the mad mad madison with skibby and old man my little nemisis, old man and my uncle are heading to the Wind River Mountains in search of craziness. we'll see what happens, hopefully I'll kill peter on the hills since i'm in good hiking shape and acclamated to 12,000 ft. elevations. haha .



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